Wednesday, September 2, 2015

My Field Of Study

  1. My field is pre-Physiology (essentially pre-med).

    1.What do students in your program learn how to do?
    Students in my field are learning the fundamentals of how to become medical professionals. Whether in molecular cellular engineering, at medical school, in science based research labs, or across the globe working in third world countries, the Physiology department strives to prepare us for our future medical careers as best as possible. We learn the anatomy and physiology of a human body, the functions and purposes of systems within the body, and potentially new studies utilized to cure diseases, or provide healthcare to those in need.
  2. What do people who get degrees in this field usually go on to do for work?
    Most people go to medical school and become a type of doctor. Personally, I want to go into international medicine and bring medical attention to third world countries that lack the funds or abilities to obtain quality health services.
  3. What drew you to this field?
    I have traveled abroad and seen the attention that small villages, and countries plagued with poverty need. I want to be able to offer my support in the best way possible and ultimately increase the villagers' quality of life.
  4. Who are the leaders/most exciting people involved in your field right now? Why? These could be individual people or specific companies, organizations, businesses or non-profits.
    Dr. Kiki Sanford, Story Musgrave, and medical schools like Johns-Hopkins, Washington University (in MO), and Stanford Medical school are striving to create cutting-edge, innovative technologies and studies in the filed of physiology.
  5. What are the leading academic/scholarly journals in your field? Where are they published? Give us the names and locations of at least 3. (HINT: If you have no idea what the answer to this question is, try Googling “What are the top journals in [insert field of study]?” and peruse the results). Make the titles of each journal into a working hyperlink to the website for that publication. (NOTE: if your links aren’t included or don’t work or if the page it directs us to is blocked from public view, I will not be able to assign you full credit for this exercise).
    Physiological Review (, Annual Review of Plant Biology, and Cell Metabolism. All of these journals are published in the United States.


  1. I found your post very interesting because I have always been fascinated by doctors and what they do. It is also great that you want to focus on trying to get medical care to third world countries. Is there any countries in particular that you want to get medical care to? I have gone on some service trips to third world countries and I have seen the lack of healthcare. In the small villages they only had access to a doctor once every two weeks at the most or they would have to travel hours to the bigger towns and cities to find a doctor.

  2. As a Biology major, I can understand what drew you towards physiology! I found it really interesting that you want to spend your time in third world countries because I see that you are truly passionate about it. Where exactly have you traveled?
    I had some trouble accessing the links in the last section, you might want to double check them!
