Saturday, October 31, 2015

Blog 31: My Proposed Public Argument

I am going to focus my public argument on international education, and the lack of funding and attention of education amongst those who cannot afford it. I work with an organization called Dream Volunteers, and we raise money to send impoverished children in third world countries, like Guatemala, India, Costa Rica, Vietnam, Africa, and Ecuador to school off of scholarships. This subject is so personal to me- I am so passionate about the kids that we work with and the goals we are attempting to achieve, as I have experienced the hardships of these struggling communities first hand. We focus on adolescent education in order to provide brighter futures for these kids so that they can take on the role of leaders in their community once they are older. Many of these communities struggle to find clean water to drink, face abusive relationships, unemployment, illness, and sub-par living situations. For example, my host family in Costa Rica doesn't even have glass to cover their windows, so bugs are constantly in their home. However, these communities are the absolute most positive, optimistic, and happy groups of people I have ever met. One would never guess their struggles, aside from the fact that they are literally living in slums, or facing malnourishment. Each family is so grateful to simply have each other, and they draw their happiness based on their relationships with each other. These families have no concept of materialism- as long as they are together they are content. We want to hep the children of these families maximize this happiness. If these children can be educated, they can find stable jobs that can allow for the innovations that need to take place in these communities.
Currently we are raising money to send girls in a slum called Jaibpur (India) to school. Women are considered intellectual property in this slum- they are married off at extremely young ages and subject to whatever kind of treatment their husbands have to offer. An education would allow them to make a life for themselves, and slowly shift the ideals of their community into a place of equality and safety. Abuse, and essentially slave labor are norms for these girls; yet, they are constantly smiling and grateful for every opportunity they are given.

I am either going to put together an ebook or a video about Dream Volunteers and the work we do. The projects we have taken on and the current goals of our organiztaion will be included. I will explain why actions need to be taken to change the societies these children are growing up in. I will also explain how Americans can get involved and cumulatively make a change in the world. I intend to use emotional appeals and an inspirational tone to convey my message.

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