Friday, December 4, 2015

Blog Post 38

1.) In writing the QRG assignment, my argument commented on the Death Penalty, and served to implicitly show my stance against the practice of capital punishment through the analysis of other scholars'' statistics, arguments, and evidence.

2.) Compared to my highschool AP Lang class, English 109H followed similarities in the focus on non-fiction materials, and rhetorical analysis; however, the complexity and length of the essays required for 109H proved to be more difficult and time-consuming than those of AP Lang.

3.) English 109H has illuminated my strength in diction and exploring implicit themes within rhetorical situations; however, I simultaneously recognize my tendencies to write unclearly and without a formulated structure, which ultimately weakens my writing.

4.) Two of the course objectives, focusing on rhetorical analyses and research components, were clearly reflected in my HONY analysis, which required me to not only search for statistics, personal narratives, and background information on the Syrian refugee crisis; but also rhetorically analyze each of the research components present to depict their influence and impact within the HONY blog .

5.) English 109H has taught me indelible skills that dig deep into the relationships of rhetorical situations and current events that not only provide the means to write an effective and clear paper, but reflect on the overarching applications and importances of these themes overall to pose an action that recognizes the magnitude of universal issues prevalent in modern society.


  1. My first suggestion is to complete the blog post before Wednesday, you have excluded the "which one you picked and why" section. Also, be careful when using certain words like illuminate. For example in thesis 3, you said it illuminated your strength, which could either mean it shown light upon it or that it clarified it. Also, I believe the QRG was suppose to be as neutral as possible, and that is not really conveyed with the first thesis, and this is suppose to be a thesis for a reflective essay, reflect.

  2. Some of these theses were very long. Try splitting them into two sentences to make them stronger and more concise. I would suggest revising your theses to avoid run-ons and typos. Also you should add to your blog which thesis you picked. Other than that I think you did a nice job!
